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         Restoration and Repairs


I trained in the art of restoration under Simon Macintyre, a very well established and seasoned restorer in West Sussex. Simon continues to be my mentor and I still visit his workshop to share his company and work under his tutelage. Thanks to modern communication technology it is also very easy to stay in touch more often without the need to drive 800 miles there and back again.

Simon taught me to be rigorous in maintaining originality in pieces and to use traditional techniques for restoring, gluing, strengthening and finishing vintage and antique furniture. I am indebted to him for his encouragement.

I enjoy the fact that I split my time between restoration and making. I believe that both disciplines complement one another and I deliver better quality in both as a result. Restoration is a most enjoyable practice. The results always delight the customer. Many pieces are restored because they are an heirloom or they have some emotional or romantic attachment. The cost of restoration in these pieces often exceeds their market value and I shall always warn a customer of such a situation. Most people decide to proceed anyway. To be honest I often try to be a little more generous in my pricing in such cases but there is always a bottom line. Other pieces are tired or broken and need to be restored so as not to be useless or unpleasant to the eye.

All pieces are a delight to work on as, without sounding too esoteric, I get the chance to work on some outstanding examples of the art. Additional pleasure lies in the fact that the I am just one in a long line of people who will work on the piece in its lifetime, in the past and in the future. I always consider it an honour to work on someone else's making. I always respect their original work and maintain their work, wherever possible, in its original form. I follow the guidance that most restorations should not look as new as when they were made. The patina of time should be preserved. There occasions where this is not possible due to significant damage to the piece. On these occasions my use of traditional finishes should produce a result sympathetic to the age of the piece.

I have a large stock of old wood that I can use in the repair and restoration and where I do not have something appropriate I have a number of channels where I can source something suitable. Where this is not possible I am trained in the science of creating age in wood and sundries such as screws and hinges. I keep a stock of antique furniture nails also.

No piece of furniture is too new to repair or restore. I am trained in the Konig repair system, allowing me to repair scratches and damage in modern finishes as well as taking the edge off damage to older furniture.

Should you require a quote for restoration or repair I shall be happy to visit and I will provide you with a fixed price quotation. I shall always warn, where appropriate, if I feel that the restoration cost will be uneconomical given the value of the piece.

When I have finished a piece I shall deliver the piece for your inspection and approval before invoicing. I provide a guarantee on most all of my work depending upon the specific nature of the repair or restoration. I shall also provide notes describing the restoration work that has been completed and any details that I believe to be notable regarding the individual piece.

Mark Adams