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I operate all my pricing on a fixed price basis. This applies to making and restoring. There is a slight exception in restoration. If I find that my time spent on a particular piece is well below that of my quote I shall reduce my invoice accordingly. People just have to trust me on that one. Some of my customers are happy to accept a verbal quote.

If I have underestimated on price it is for me to absorb that error and I shall not pass this on to the client. Nor shall I fall short on the quality of the finished piece whether made or restored.

There are clear terms and conditions on my quotations. I calculate the price for work on a fixed hourly rate that I use for all types of skilled work and I bill for my materials within the overall price.

I shall typically pick up and deliver restoration pieces myself but that does have a bearing on my costs so I would reflect that in my pricing. I often try to visit a number of customers and potential customers at the same time in the same general area and this would also be reflected as a reduction in the invoiced price. A customer is always welcome to bring and pickup pieces for restoration to and from my workshop. This would obviously attract no charge.

Similarly, I usually deliver newly made pieces as I prefer to move the piece into situ myself but may need carrying assistance and making any adjustments where required. I also visit some 3-4 weeks after delivery to effect any "tuning" to the piece, typically doors and drawers. This is normal as very often a customer's home may be quite different from mine in terms of temperature and humidity. Wood will always take advantage of both to try to undermine the hard work of the maker. Delivery and tuning are always included in the price for a piece.

Mark Adams